Provide enhanced lethality, mobility and capability beyond .50 caliber to conduct direct fire overmatch against like threat systems.
The XM914 (30x113mm) weapon system is a single feed, automatic, electrically powered, link-fed, chain driven weapon system. The XM914 weapon system is capable of firing single-shot and 200 spm bursts with included anti-hangfire protection. It can be used on a vehicle mounted remote weapon stations for several types of combat vehicles. The XM914 fires the electrically primed M789 High Explosive Dual Purpose (HEDP) round used on the Apache. Due to electromagnetic interference concerns, the weapon was converted into an XM914E1 with a percussion primed firing pin. The XM914E1 can fire the XM949 HEDP (equivalent to M789) to engage ground targets and XM1198 High Explosive Dual Purpose Self Destruct (HEDP-SD) to engage aerial targets.
Product Director Crew Served Weapons (PD CSW) conducted weapon testing to support a System Level Safety Confirmation for PM Indirect Fire/Rapid Capabilities Office (formerly Product Directorate Counter-Rockets. Artillery, Mortars). Under a JUONS, PM IF/RCO is fielding systems to defeat ground-to-air targets in support of counter-unmanned aerial system (C-UAS) engagements from the Mobile Low, Slow Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Integrated Defeat system (M-LIDS) platform.
PD CSW assisted USMC Ground Base Air Defense with a contract vehicle for the XM914 weapon for Urgent Materiel Release systems.
Under a DOT-C with the weapon manufacturer, Northup Grumman Information Systems, PD CSW funded enhancements to the weapon for maintainability improvements, advanced cannon control and performance improvements. The modified assets are currently at ATEC undergoing weapon characterization assessments.
- Rate of Fire: 200spm
- Ammunition Fired: 30mm x 113mm
- Ammunition Configurations: Linked, electrically primed; Linked, percussion primed
- Barrel Length: 60 in
- Barrel Weight: 50.2 lbs
- Overall Weight: 169.8 lbs
- Recoil: 1650 lb peak load (1.5in recoil)