Advanced Bomb Suit (ABS) and ABS Generation II

Advanced Bomb Suit (ABS) and ABS Generation II

Protects the Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Soldier from threats associated with improvised explosive devices, including fragmentation, blast overpressure, impact, heat and flame.

The ABS and ABS Gen II are personal protective equipment systems that provide whole body blast effects protection to Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) personnel. The ABS is the legacy system currently fielded to the EOD Community. The ABS Gen II differs from the ABS in that it provides decreased overall weight, increased mobility and flexibility, and an integrated cooling system over the ABS system. Both systems consist of fragmentation protection throughout the body with increased protection in the front thorax to mitigate blast overpressure. The helmet provides impact protection for the head, while the integrated suspenders and back protection system provide impact protection for the spine. Flame resistant materials provide protection against flame and heat.