The Generation II Helmet Sensor is intended to gather data that will help scientists better understand and characterize the effects that blast events and head-impact events have on Soldiers.
The Generation II Helmet Sensor (HS) is a small device that is attached inside the helmet under the crown pad to record linear and rotational accelerations of the helmet and blast overpressure. The helmet sensor data is used to determine head motion of the Soldier and associated risk of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The system is not just a piece of hardware. It is a system of hardware, software and people to record, collect, transmit and interpret helmet acceleration data. Field Service Representatives (FSRs) are embedded with deployed Brigade Combat Teams (BCTs) to harvest and transfer helmet sensor data to an online server. The harvested data is analyzed by the Joint Trauma Analysis and Prevention of Injury in Combat (JTAPIC).
The GEN II HS made by BAE Systems is known as the Headborne Energy Analysis Diagnostic System (HEADS) is a small, lightweight (2.14 ounces), low-power sensor that is mounted in the crown of the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH) or the Enhanced Combat Helmet (ECH). Helmets with GEN II HS are issued to Soldiers prior to their unit’s Mission Rehearsal Exercise (MRE) and remain with the Soldier through deployment. The GEN II HS is considered an expendable item with no formal accountability. The sensor remains with the helmet for eventual turn in and destruction when the helmet becomes unserviceable.